Sunday, July 24, 2011

Google (noun and verb): Use an Internet search engine

Google it, Google him, Google them.

These are common phrases in our everyday language, gone are the days when we seeked professional advice and waited to get to know someone. Now we merely sit behind our computers and search the web for answers.

When you are feeling sick, shake your head if you have googled the symptoms online and self diagnosed your condition based on your findings, and futher more proceeded to go to the pharmacy and purchased medication for this self diagnosed condition of yours???
Come on now!Really?Are you serious?thats right,dig a hole of shame and lie in it!!!!what is wrong with you, you can not self diagnose and treat yourself for something, are you a Doctor? Did you go to medical school for 7 years?Did you uni even offer medicine as a degree? if you answer no to the above then you are a victim of the Google phenomenon.

The google phenomenon has served to create a wide spread collection of the worlds information and therefore knowledge at our fingertips but I can not help but wonder if this access to information is doing us more harm than good? It has affected so many aspects of our lives including but not limited to our social life/behaviour, our education, our economies etc... the list goes on and on.

Lets take education for example, the manner in which our assignments are now done by researching online etc... I can not help but think that a student from a decade ago, is more qualified than today's graduate because they actually did their research the "old fashioned" way. They say knowledge is power, but if that knowledge is not obtained from a reliable source, how much power can that knowledge really represent?

As much as I am for the technological advancement that is taking place today, I still think that some things are better left to their old ways. After all is it not better to seek medical advice from a health professional?Information from the library? and even to find out about somebody by getting to know them personally not by reading and stalking their Facebook page?

I was going to mention online dating, but that's a topic best left for its own blog post so I told myself not to even get started on that cause this post would go on for a while if I did.

So I say to you, come on, don't be lazy, get up from behind your computer screen and get out there and live life.