Thursday, November 17, 2011

Through My Bullet Proof Vest

I wrote this post a few weeks back now, I just hadn't put it up cause I needed to take out some of the emotion in it, it was coming from a place inside me that had been brewing for so long I just had to take the reigns in a little bit and rethink it and do massive editing!!....

When you heartbreaks,or all hope is lost, its like being shot through a bullet proof vest. Hurts like hell, but underneath it all you are still alive. Holding on.
Thats life, Adele said it well -

"Nothing compares No worries or cares Regrets and mistakes They are memories made. Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you Don't forget me, I beg."

You know whats funny in life is that sometimes you are really just genuinely happy for someone if they could only have shared that with you. Like even though it hurts, you are still uber happy that they happy. So in the end its not ALL bad...but in my heart and soul, I feel that all hope is not lost , but in my mind, I know that this might just be the end of the road.

On another note why on earth are Men so "emotionless"? I reckon thats where men and women are so different. Men walk away from situations, keep their feelings inside and don't express anything! Women on the other hand, we express our every emotion, we don't just bottle it up. If I want to know something, Damn right I am going to ask it. I am so sick and tired of having to tread carefully around Men so that we don't scare them. SCARE THEM? What are they? 2 year olds? like really, Man Up already.
So tired of the guessing game we have to play to obtain such little insight of the person inside, and even then, you don't really know, you are still just guessing.

It could be true that in life, you are only as happy as your saddest day. On that day, truth be told you are honest with yourself and let yourself REALLY get to know you. On that day you realise your happiness is merely derived from the fact that you have been blocking issues from you mind, on that day you visit reality.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What Women Really Want...!

In recent weeks, I have been seeing alot of articles answering the age old question "what do women really want?", and what I want to know is WHO ARE THESE WOMEN? I read one just the other day and I was so appalled at its contents, Infact I was SO appalled that I decided on 2 things.

1)I was not going to finish the article....(It was atrocious really)
2)I was going to do my own article and set the record straight!

Firstly I would like to make it known that women are so unique that there is not any one women on earth (not even Dr. Whatsherface) that can generalise every womens desires into one "wish list." Women are driven by so many aspects of life that you can't even begin to compare us. Yes, we do have some common ground on what we want, but at the same time, my Mr Right may not be Mr Right for the next lady. (Thats why he's mine right??)

I can safely say at the top of every womans wish list lies this intriguing and almost unattainable desire for stability. Now stability can not be confined to any one thing, we want stability in it ALL. Its what we work for and wake up to do everyday. For some women its Financial stability, some its relationship stability, career stability , friendship stability, reputation stability etc etc, basically all these put together give rise to one very important stability - MENTAL stability. Its like its a perfect balance that we need ( unique to every woman) and if we go with out any one of the stabilities then we temporarily lose the end game , that being - Mental stability. So when we go off the rails and do "wierd stuff" its because one of our stabilities is not in perfect parity and we will get back on the rails as soon as it is, or as soon as we get over it (usually the first to occur of the two).

At the end of the day, theres usually two types of women. The career woman and the family woman. They are willing to sacrifice almost anything for their number one priority. Career woman are usually ready to give up on their social lives and even their family in order to achieve the big dreams and get that financial stability. So the career woman aka Miss Independent (MI) is protrayed to be this attractive yet unattainable woman, and Men love it. Only problem is this woman is NOT interested in Men.. Miss Independent is exactly that INDEPENDENT.

Sometimes the MI's of this world are scorned women who can't bear the thoguht of depending on a man ever again - so they are making it happen without men. Another breed of Miss Independent is the daughters of succesful men, these ladies are impeccable, with first class education they are equipped from day 1 with all the MI tools and they are such go getters. They have no problem sacrificing their emotions and trading them in for some ambition.

The Family woman is not at all driven in the career department, she lives from pay cheque to pay cheque and spends most of her time and money trying to find Mr Right and trying to look her best. She will make the perfect housewife, and unlike the career woman, she would LOVE being taken care of and not having to go to work, instead committing herself to a life time of bearing children and raising them. To be honest I think the bearing and raising children deal is alot harder than the career one.

So theres the two main stream types of women. I will cover more in future posts :-)If you didn't know - NOW you know.

Picture from

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A future of Uncertainty

As a recent University graduate, the "now" I am living in is one that I was NOT adequately equipped for.

After literally 17 years of education, I have no idea how I came out STILL unprepared.
All that just for me to get here and feel more confused than ever. After starting my first Job as a graduate, i realise that everything I learnt in Uni is about as relevant as all my highschool work was for uni - in short - not very relevant.

1) Not one person in my 17 years ever told me how to answer a phone in a business manner.
You're thinking it's common sense right? WRONG it is not. There are too many ways out there someone needs to clarify.

2)If i hadnt majored in commerce, how on earth would I know how to budget my finances. I think like Maths, Budgeting should be something we start in Primary school and develop through out our education. Then maybe, JUST MAYBE some people in this generation would have a chance at saving - and could someone tell me how on earth our parents did it????

3)There needs to be some sort of teaching later in life about cooporate dressing. I have seen some attires and my oh my, you wouldn't believe that they were coming out of a professional office.
Ever gone somewhere and looked at the receptionist and thought "gosh..should I have gone somewhere else?"

One valuable thing that I DID learn in school, is how to right pages and pages of something I do not know about!!

Thats bound to come in handy sometime right??

So when you are young, your future for the next 20 odd years is decided. Then as soon as those years are over the reigns are over to you and what do you do???NOTHING.
We tend to just continue on the path that our parents laid and do not do anything major but I am thinking, you only have 1 life, you NEED to get out there and live.

If you ever wanted to do something - go, DO IT!!!..NOW!

We make a mess of things, not because thats our intention, but because we did not know any better and as such we give up so much, and some times too much.
You can't turn back the time, but you CAN change you future.

Take the reigns and Happy riding :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Google (noun and verb): Use an Internet search engine

Google it, Google him, Google them.

These are common phrases in our everyday language, gone are the days when we seeked professional advice and waited to get to know someone. Now we merely sit behind our computers and search the web for answers.

When you are feeling sick, shake your head if you have googled the symptoms online and self diagnosed your condition based on your findings, and futher more proceeded to go to the pharmacy and purchased medication for this self diagnosed condition of yours???
Come on now!Really?Are you serious?thats right,dig a hole of shame and lie in it!!!!what is wrong with you, you can not self diagnose and treat yourself for something, are you a Doctor? Did you go to medical school for 7 years?Did you uni even offer medicine as a degree? if you answer no to the above then you are a victim of the Google phenomenon.

The google phenomenon has served to create a wide spread collection of the worlds information and therefore knowledge at our fingertips but I can not help but wonder if this access to information is doing us more harm than good? It has affected so many aspects of our lives including but not limited to our social life/behaviour, our education, our economies etc... the list goes on and on.

Lets take education for example, the manner in which our assignments are now done by researching online etc... I can not help but think that a student from a decade ago, is more qualified than today's graduate because they actually did their research the "old fashioned" way. They say knowledge is power, but if that knowledge is not obtained from a reliable source, how much power can that knowledge really represent?

As much as I am for the technological advancement that is taking place today, I still think that some things are better left to their old ways. After all is it not better to seek medical advice from a health professional?Information from the library? and even to find out about somebody by getting to know them personally not by reading and stalking their Facebook page?

I was going to mention online dating, but that's a topic best left for its own blog post so I told myself not to even get started on that cause this post would go on for a while if I did.

So I say to you, come on, don't be lazy, get up from behind your computer screen and get out there and live life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Transitions

So it has come to my attention that in life we spend our times settling into something, then we move on to the next thing the moment we settle. This applies to ALL aspects of life, School, work, learning to drive. The moment you have mastered something, it becomes irrelevant and you are moved on to the next thing and the cycle continues...

There is something I have pondered about for a while. Why do some female take so long to get their licences??? I mean really, I know a lady pushing 60 ( i think) and lady don't know how to drive, she says her husband always takes her everywhere so she has no need? COME ON NOW!, Her husband taking her places a couple of times a week, thats cute, but EVERYWHERE? I Don't know about you but I think that is border line stalkerish no?? like she certainly can't plan any surprises for him, everywhere she goes, he knows. I don't know about you but I couldnt live that life. I think the acceptable age for woman to drive is from 16 - 30. No one should celebrat their 30th birthday and still be driven around cause thats just plain Lazy.

I recently just moved houses, I didnt move very far from my old place but till now, I have some packed boxes waiting to be unpacked and its gonna be a month soon and as soon as I finish with them boxes, I know something else is going to come up.

Oh, I got side tracked, I will talk more on transitions another time :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back like I never Left - The Dreaded Valentines Day!

So, its been a while since my last blog post (over a year, but I am sooo here to do this now,after uni commitments and all that are all out of the way :)

So I am thinking,lets do this like sex and the city a little. So Valentines day is coming Ladies....for those that are single (cringe) this is the worst time of year after new years. There's nothing like counting down after new years and having couples around you kiss into it (who needs a kiss anyway)...So Valentines, this takes me back to high schoo when we would all gather around and have our "gifts" ( flowers, teddy's or even underwear ;) handed out and you walked out of that room with nothing in hand, it was a sad sad feeling. Nowadays, we can just hide out in our houses for that week, ignore al the ads and hope to get to a time when its forgotten.

There is this modern thing on planning a girls day before/on valentine's...let me tell you now, it doesnt work!...there will be couples anywhere worth going and there will be red coming out of your best trick for valentines day is your imagination...just make it what you will, we all pretend what it would be like to receve all sorts of lavish gifts, (NOT GONNA HAPPEN), but no one said don't imagine, running away from it will make you feel worse, grab a good action or thriller and sit by the couch and indulge yourself. The day only lasts 24hours but the marketing....damn the marketing.

Anyways, I gots to go, got an exam coming up, its just one day, we can do this :)

Much love and more
